Our Family DVDs category has DVDs the whole family will love including Harry Potter. Whether it's a family favourite like Anne Of Green Gables or one of our latest family movies you'll find it here as well. Let the whole family sit back and enjoy a Family DVD from DVDLand. Every family will enjoy great bonding time with DVDs from our Family DVDs.
Family DVDs bring the whole family together with a shared experience. Such DVDs like classic family movies in Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and newer releases are all here. We've also got great Aussie family movies like Babe, Red Dog, Storm Boy and Silver Brumby. So many family movies are timeless so make great additions to your DVD collection. They also make great gifts, especially for Christmas and birthdays. Who wouldn't love a family DVD box set as a gift.
We also have heaps of great animated movies that the kids and adults will love watching together like the Madagascar movies and Ice Age movies and the modern day family classic Polar Express by Tom Hanks. Who doesn't remember the first time they saw a Herbie DVD, even if it was the Lindsay Lohan version. Grab a handful now, the family will love them.